This was graciously shared today on Facebook by "Handimania" and I cannot wait to make some of these beautiful Paper Ballerinas! (Shared by Karina Haczek)
Paper Ballerinas
Whether you dreamed about being a ballerina as a child, are a mom of a girl who’s into ballet or simply like delicate, handmade decorations, we think you’ll like this adorable Paper Ballerinas project. It’s a great idea for moms and daughters that can make a lovely decoration for girls’ bedrooms.
To prepare these tiny paper figurines, you’ll need some flexible wire, white paper napkins and diluted glue. Forming the wire may be a bit difficult for little hands but crafty moms will manage for sure. This cute idea comes from Stariy Chemodan’s blog, but since the original post is in Russian, we’ve decided to present the whole tutorial with our description of steps.
Already looking for supplies? ;) We hope you’ll have a lot fun while making them! Do send us some photos when you finish and tell us how it went on our fan page :) We’re always there for you!
To prepare these tiny paper figurines, you’ll need some flexible wire, white paper napkins and diluted glue. Forming the wire may be a bit difficult for little hands but crafty moms will manage for sure. This cute idea comes from Stariy Chemodan’s blog, but since the original post is in Russian, we’ve decided to present the whole tutorial with our description of steps.
Already looking for supplies? ;) We hope you’ll have a lot fun while making them! Do send us some photos when you finish and tell us how it went on our fan page :) We’re always there for you!

What you need:
- a fine needle
- scissors
- pliers
- wire
- white napkin
- diluted potato starch or PVA adhesive
- transparent fishing line
- thread
First, bend the wire into a “skeleton” of the figurine. Don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be detailed.
Divide the napkin into layers. If the napkin is patterned, use only plain layers. Remember to leave some single-layer napkins for later.
Tear the rest of napkins into 1.5 inch wide strips (don’t use scissors). Now, take your wire outline and wrap it with paper strips, then cover it with the diluted starch or glue. You can also dip it into the solution.

Fold the napkin as if you were going to cut out a snowflake.
Now, take the whole napkins. Choose the right length of the dress for you ballerina and cut the napkin. The hemline should be rounded.
Curl the “dress” in two directions for the best folds.
Prepare at least two dresses for one ballerina.
Make a little hole at the top of a dress and put it on a figurine.
Take a thread and wind it around the waist of the ballerina.

Thank you Karina!!