Thursday, July 28, 2011


GOOD MORNING!!  I had trouble joining the squares on the Pinwheel Pattern quilt I am making and my sweet sister who has much more experience in quilting than I have has come to my rescue with some really good advice so I am sharing it with you.

   "Here's hoping this works. You may have lots of solutions by now but here are mine. It is impossible to cut any pattern on the straight of the goods...except the binding along the sides. it is all in the handling and pressing. During the sewing of pieces try not to pull on them.When pressing it is important not to move the iron back and forth.Put the piece on the board and "finger press" carefully ...the seams. Then Just put the iron on the piece and just press with out moving the iron back and forth.When putting the pieces together do the same ...handle with care. If it looks like it is a little short you can cheat by pulling at this time. If it is a little long you can fit it in. It may look wrong but you can press it. All pressing should be with steam.When putting the pieces together to make the pattern if they are not the same size You can square them up by trimming a smidgen. Before I cut any pieces out I press the fabric first
but only press.. not move the iron.Also let the pieces dry if they are a little damp.Your piece looks beautiful so far. 

Hope this helps. Love you, Mary"

Don't ya just love having an older sister?? ♥

Sure hope this will help anyone else out there that has had problems with joining pieces like I did!  Come again soon!  And if you have time, check out my other blogs with links in my sidebar-Thanks!

My Krafty heart to yours...

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