Friday, July 22, 2011

Collage of Favorite things....

Wishing for rain and doodling with altered art collage.  (These can be photographed and used on the face of your homemade cards, framed, or put in scrapbook page).  We need rain so badly and the thunder can be heard near by.  the skies darkened but now the sun is out without a drop of rain! 
   I was day-dreaming and made this little collage of some of my favorite things...

I adore this little vintage card with the girl pouring milk for her kitten!  I started with that card and then added things as I went along...

I collect Bird feathers all the time and others bring them to me as they know this, (smile).
And leaves, I love leaves!  This one had so many points and I do not know what tree it came from but it is pretty!  My daughter brought it to me.

This is a vintage spoon print from a magazine and I chose these drab greenish buttons because they seemed to go with the soft colors of the drying leaf and card.

Then I added the steel crochet hook that is very old, a bitty little shell and then I wrote on the paper and glued a feather at the end of the writing as though it were a quill pen that wrote.
Once I took the picture of my collage to print out and frame or put in a scrapbook, I disassembled it as I did not want to glue the card to the surface or the vintage crochet hook, either, as I still use it.  Picture taken, I then made a smaller collage by using some of the pieces from the first.
   I liked this one, too with some of my crocheting, thread, thimble and cutting out my writing to lay across the sheet.  After I was satisfied with this picture, I removed all but the writing, leaf with little cow picture and spoon print.  I cut out the paper around the points of the leaf to make it more interesting and put it on my Bulletin Board.  Such fun!  You must have favorite things you can collage for pictures to print or scrapbook fun or for card making.  I would love to see what you come up with.  Feel free to copy and paste the vintage card of the little girl and her kitten and use it for yours.
  Thank you so much for coming and do come again soon!  If you have time, please visit my other blogs with the links in the sidebar.
My Krafty Heart to Yours...

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence: I collect bird feathers too - for my Indian doll I want to crochet... or maybe a dream catcher!

    What a lovely collage of sweet items that mean so much! Love the picture of the little girl pouring milk for her kitty. That is sweet. I have quite a few pictures on my wall that depict a young child with her dog or cat...those images remind me of when I was growing up ;-)

    Have a lovely evening and all my best to your husband. Blessings to you both!

    Doris (and Gizzy)


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