Sunday, March 3, 2019

My tiny orchid has bloomed again!

I have been crocheting baby dresses and Pinafores.
Due to changes in Google, I guess I am losing my blogs.  I have not posted recently as I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and have been in treatment now for 9 mos. now.  I am doing better and they now classify me as "potential cure" for their goal.

I do not smoke and at age77 I am very healthy, was very active swimming, biking, even playing one on one basketball until my diagnosis last June.  And it is strange, my hair is very thin but I have not lost it yet, I have not lost any weight and my nails and hair are growing! 

I just returned from a trip to SC to see my latest great grandson who is 1 1/2 yrs. old and I had only seen him in photos.  Great visit with him and his big sister who started Kindergarten this last fall already!

I really enjoyed blogging and it was a savior during the 8 yrs. my husband suffered with multiple myeoloma.  He has been gone 7 yrs now and I miss him terribly.

So I guess this will be my last post for Kerrie's Krafts.  if I ever figure out what google is doing with the Blogging, I will return.  Thank you.


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