Sunday, November 18, 2012


MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER IN-LAW, Laura Marquart, sent a surprise gift to me in the mail.  Like everyone else, I love getting things in the mail!  I must admit that I teared up when I opened this heavy little box to find:
 A wonderful selection of 4" quilting squares, all pre-cut!  And a very nice card, "Thinking of You".  I was so thrilled and am thinking of all the things I can do with these wonderful fabric squares in their colorful prints!

Lucky, Lucky me!  Thank you Laura!

Today was windy and cold with rain and many more pear leaves had fallen when I took the little Chi, Lilly out this morning.  So of course I made another colorful Rose!

As you can see, the roses are overtaking the kitchen cart-ha!  I am going to make a Christmas wreath with them and will be posting that as soon as I find a good form for the wreath. :)  The painting above is one I did when Bill and I spent a month of October on our home town lake, Owasco Lake Auburn,NY about 5 yrs. ago or more, and I painted it while he was out in the boat fishing.  It was so beautiful and now a happy memory...  Notice the flat Iron on the right of the table, it is vintage and I painted a cabin under a tree and cloudy blue sky on the metal with acrylics and it cheers me to see it.

Thanks for visiting today and I would love to see what you are crafting for Christmas/and/or Thanksgiving.  Send pictures!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with many blessings and family around.

My crafty heart to yours....


  1. What a delightful DIL!!

    I love your little roses made from the leaves. They will make an awesome wreath.

  2. What a thoughtful DIL...she knows exactly what makes you happy. It is so nice to get things in the mail. Love your leaf roses. The collection will make a lovely wreath. So you paint, too, and very well. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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