Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Worth Repeating and Mum studies

Look in my left side bar and click on "Acorn Pumpkins"  A tutorial will come up so that you can make these:
Into these:
I have just gathered some more Acorns from the Live Oak Trees that grow in the neighbors yard and sprinkles the edge of my lawn with them.  I love fall and colored leaves and Acorns.    And here is some of my still life arrangements that I took from today and plan to draw and paint the subject matter.

 I think that this would make a nice card.
 I cannot wait to see what I can do when painting this arrangement.
 The little bottle is an antique medicine bottle. I gather feathers because I collect them and I also use them in my crafting e.g. drawings of ladies in feathered hats, using the real tiny plush feathers.
This photo I enhanced the color to bring out the vividness of the orange color. 
Another that would make a nice greeting card. 
the antique blue-green of the tiny medicine bottle.

I love creating vignettes and still life arrangements.  I hope you checked out the little pumpkin tutorial from 2 fall seasons ago and that you are inspired to make some fall studies from nature of your own.  Thanks for coming!

 My Krafty Heart to Yours...


  1. Oh my goodness, those tiny pumpkins are so cute and delicate. They look like a lot of work . I love your little late summer arrangements too. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Sorry it took me so long to visit you.


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