Sunday, September 2, 2012

Baby Blanket Throw

Just had to share this beautiful baby blanket throw that my soon to be a Grandma daughter, crocheted for her Granddaughter on the way!!  It is crocheted in Baby Blanket Yarn that is dense and will be great for cold nights and double as a throw for the floor when wanting to set baby down to play.  It is so soft and cuddly.  I love the added frilly ruffle all around the edge, just beautiful!  I am put to shame as I am still knitting on my little pink sweater hoodie  for the new little GREAT granddaughter for me!  

We are all so excited and planning a shower for my granddaughter Jessica in November.  Due in January, it won't be that long now!

Thanks for coming as always and if you have time, please check out new posts on my other blogs with the links in the sidebar.
My Krafty heart to yours...

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