Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Small Camper remodel...

I WILL be showing you my finished totes but had to share our morning's little camper remodel.  Bill has been wanting to make room in our pint size camper for a thin leather recliner that has been in storage and we just got it out.  His idea was to take the part of the sitting bench that extends out from the dining table and cut it out making space for the recliner.  Well, this morning we did it and here is the result.
Here is the corner that he wanted to put the chair in.  He removed this area as wide as the cushion.
Here he is removing the screws in the floor where wood framing was.

Amazingly, the floor underneath was just fine!

We removed one arm from the chair to get it through the camper doorway and it fit just right in the corner!
 Here is one happy man-ha!
And here he is with the arm back on and testing the recliner out.
When turned sideways, the chair fits snugly into the space for traveling.  How good is this?! Now he will just make an end cap for the bench and we will be all set.  Incidentally, we saved the wood and fixtures from the part we took out so that if we ever wanted to put it back (resale down the road) we could).
And here is my one addition, a new valance over the table in the eating area.  I had this left over from our living room and now will buy some material that matches so I can make the curtains for the 2 bedding areas (you can see the old faded green to the right)  We were so pleased with our little remodel and hopefully next week we will take a little camping trip---Yes!

Thank you for coming as always and come back again to see my finished totes next time.  Hugs to you.
My Krafty Heart to Yours....


  1. It looks so much better and modern. Great job. Have a nice day.

  2. Fits like a glove...those booths are not the most comfortable for sure! Your blinds and valances give me someting to think about...I really have never been that happy with the curtains I have made for my little trailers...really not much privacy. I think if I could hide the blinds up under the valances during the day I might like that.

  3. Kerrie, That is a great idea! Wow--your hubby is so handy! Look at that grin. He sure had a fun time conquering that little problem. (Or big one!)

    Tell him I'm impressed! And I love that valance!


  4. Brilliant! Travelin' in style and comfort!

  5. (this is between us, jaja!!) I would love that my husband would do as Bill does, god!!! he´s always doing something around the house, I so love it!!!! ... and mine is gorgeous but how I would love that he ever took the hammer and nail something, but I keep dreaming and dreaming.....
    hugs my dear and send my congrats to Bill


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