Friday, February 18, 2011

Scratch Board Stallion and Scrollsaw items

   Hello dear crafters!  Today it is beautiful here in sunny South Carolina and 77 degrees at 4:25 p.m.!!  What more could we ask for?
   Hubby has not been feeling well of late due to the treatment for his Multiple Myeloma cancer and being in the house a lot instead of woodworking in the shed, he had to keep busy.  So he did this beautiful Stallion on scratch board and I just love it!
   These are so much fun to do at any age and you can buy kits that are pre-printed with the pattern or if you are artistic, you can just buy the scratch board in different sizes at the craft stores.  This one that hubby did though had no pre-printed pattern so he just used the small picture on the package for reference and I love what he turned out!  It satisfied his creativity for the moment and he has another one of a wolf to do when he is house bound again.
   In the past he has cut out this very beautiful Friend Saying that is on the wall in our den.  The words are all cut out separately with the scroll saw.  He has so much patience doing these very meticulous cuts!  He has also cut the first line of Amazing Grace for me on a note staff!!  I am always amazed at the wonderful detail in his work.

We had planned to make more of these for my Etsy shop (not open at present) but with Bill's treatment causing much pain and lately nausea, he has not been able to enjoy his wood work and also the shed had been too cold for him to work out there when we were having the unusually cold weather here.
And last, but not least, is this beautiful wooden scroll saw fan that he made for me from a purchased pattern.  He also made another one that I will have for sale in my Etsy shop when opened again, that has peach ribbons, bead decoration and flowers.  These are large and make beautiful accent pieces in any room.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of his projects today and that it is an inspiration for your crafting. 
  Here is my other tissue box holder made for the long boxes from the plastic grid and yarn.
I did not have a pattern for either this one or the boutique one I made and on the long box I just filled in with variegated yarn and used corner to corner stitches.
I was even able to put a little flower cluster on each end by making the flowers first and then filling in with the filler stitches.  This is another fun project and I plan to make more. And PS: I did do all the stitching on the panels this time before joining with the white yarn.  It was much easier to work on and made the back of the work almost as neat as the front.

Come again soon and do visit our other blogs, links are in the sidebar.
My Krafty Heart to yours...


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your Husband. I hope he feels better soon. Just beautiful things you have created. Good luck on the shop when you open.

  2. Dear Kerrie, I feel so sad for your dear hubby having to be in pain..and sick to his stomach. Poor Tim just hated the nausea part. He had always hated the stomach flu and when he got cancer 16 years ago, it just was like his worst nightmare!

    I'll say a special prayer for you both Kerrie. Sending hugs your way. And tell dear hubby that his horse is just FANTASTIC! So much energy and beauty! I love the idea of a scratch board. I'd never heard of that.

    And I do think your tissue box is so pretty. You have to have a lot of patience to do those. :o)

    Thanks for you kind comments Kerrie. :O) I'm feeling much better today.



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