Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shaping up the Tissue Box Cover

 Joining the sides with white yarn.  I decided to assemble before stitching...
 Joining all four sides and top.
Outlining the top tissue holeFor some unknown reason the white yarn looks a little pink in this photo.

Beginning to fill in with half cross stitches on the top of the cover.

I filled in each side of the hole one at a time.

The filled in top, I love the colors.  This  time the camera showed the true colors!
Four sides to go-ha!  My arthritis in my hands is killing me!  This is really a fun project and I cannot wait to see it completed!

I received a beautiful reward today from Donna over at "Comin' Home" but I cannot show you until I meet the conditions of the honor-ha!  But you can see it at Donna's!!

In my spare time, I cannot waste one tiny bit of paper, watercolor board, etc.  So I Inked in this little scene on a scrap 3 1/2 by 4 1/2.  I will water color it soon!

Thanks for visiting and come again soon!
My crafty heart to yours.....

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos of how you are working on this! Great job!


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