Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creating an Intarsia Hawk

We have a friend who is a licensed trainer of Raptors.  The trainers find wounded birds or young that have lost their parents and rehabilitate them to be released again in the wild.  Bill thought he would make a wood plaque in Intarsia art of a Red-Tailed Hawk for the friend and is working on it right now.  So far, he has cut the many pieces out (approx. 65pcs) and is sanding each one to put them all together like a puzzle.
I caught Bill off guard as he settled in to check out the pieces-ha!  He has been cutting the pieces out for a few days in the shed but it was much too cold for him to stay out there any length of time.
  The pattern is a purchased one.  Copies are made so that you can attach it to the wood with spray adhesive.  Then when sawing the pieces out, you cut paper and all.  Now he is coming inside to remove all the paper and then will be sanding each piece before assembling the hawk.
Note the wing on the upper corner of the board on his lap.  This will be added to the figure of the hawk making it 3-dimensional.

In this picture, the wing is placed on top to show you the depth
of the figure.
Before the hawk can be completed, all of the paper will be removed from the pieces and they will be sanded and slightly beveled. Next they will be stained in different hues to assimilate the colors of the wings as closely as possible. Then the many pieces will be glued together in a mosaic* on a board backing of the same shape.

I will take pictures as the figure progresses.  I cannot wait to see the result!

*Intarsia comes from the Italian word for Mosaic.  The patterns for Intarsia woodworking are put together much like mosaics.  It is very time consuming and requires a great deal of skill.

For pictures of our backyard wildlife and Winter poetry, please visit my Kerrie's Korner, SC site.

Thank you for coming and come back again soon!

My Krafty heart to yours....


  1. Good Morning Kerrie Sweetie,
    And my love to Bill. Oh what a beautiful picture this morning. I love seeing Bill work with his artist hands. What a treasure. My two favorite friends at work. One with his hands creating in wood, one with her hands creating with her eyes behind the lens of this camera. Thank you both for sharing with me this morning. I SO enjoy seeing your works of art.

    I continue to keep you in my prayers. You are such beautiful gifts of love to me. Give Isabella a big scratch behind her ears and tell her Aunt Sherry sends her love.

    Many hugs to you both. Love, Sherry

  2. Hi Kerrie! Oh, this is wonderful! Y'all are two very talented people!
    Thanks you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)


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