Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I found these great tags to put on tissue boxes in Goodhousekeeping Magazine. Love the one about Moms aren't supposed to get sick. LOL! So true! My photo down load is still not working and it is very frustrating. Nothing stays on the page where I post it now, either. I wish we could get on-line chat support with blogspot.com! Anyhow, I cannot wait to start some new projects for Valentine's Day and for Spring.

At least we can think Spring-ha! Sometimes I think I would rather be looking at snow than the dark brown of winter in the South...
But the beautiful birds that have been coming to all of our backyard feeders brighten our days. To see some of them that are migrating through and some that are here all the time, go to: http:kerrieskorner.blogspot.com

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!!
My heart to yours...

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