Monday, November 1, 2010


Good Blue Monday to you but it is a happy one-ha!  I finished one blue scarf with the Pompadoodle yarn and gave it to my oldest daughter.  She fell in love with it immediately while visiting yesterday.  And now I am about 5 rows away from finishing a second one for myself!  I loved working with this yarn once I got the hang of it but could not for the life of me work it in crochet.  How my youngest daughter did hers in crochet is a mystery to me-ha!  So I knitted mine which was what the pattern called for anyway.  I love the way it comes out and will enjoy the super softness and warmth of this beautiful yarn!  Now I want to make a pink one and more....

I am surely addicted now-ha!  Can't wait to see what other colors they have so I can make several for gifts and for my Etsy Shop.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever seen such a yarn - it looks as if there's a bobble attached to the yarn string every inch or so, is that correct?

    I have yarn that I cannot crochet with too. So, I'm glad I know how to knit ;-)

    All the best to your hubby. I will keep him in my prayers!


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