Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beginning my Christmas Cards....

I love making Christmas Cards!!  I first went to the Graphics Fairy site and then picked out a vintage children's trading card.  I then saved it to my photo program and printed it out (9 on one page) wallet size.  Next I cut them out and pasted them on card stock.
Blank cards and envelopes were purchased at A.C. Moore Craft store.  I used a glue stick to glue them to the cards.  Then I took my colored pens and drew a little decoration on each one, Holly leaves, lamplight, etc.  If you cannot draw, use stickers. 
  The last one I added a strip of ribbon to it, a satin button and a little white bow with a pearl in the middle.  You can find these little bows in the bridal section of craft stores.

The last one I cut the little girl figure out completely.  On all the cards, I used pens to accent the outline of her dress, etc.  I swiggled some lines to look like snow and used a white pen to put the snow dots on the cards.  I then drew a matching element on the envelopes.  Again, you can use stickers if you cannot draw.  Walmart has a nice variety of stickers from $1.00 a set up!  If you have any questions, please ask! Hope you will make some cards and have fun doing it as I did!
                   CRAFTY HUGS FROM KERRIE♥

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