Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pom Pom Yarn

My daughter made this beautiful Pom Pom scarf using Pomp-a-Doodle yarn by Red Heart.  It is the softest, prettiest thing!  And the pattern is really easy once you get the hang of working with this yarn!
I really like the varigated yarn that she used but when she went back to buy some more, they were out.  This yarn is very popular!  So she bought some for me in baby blue and I cannot wait to start working on one!
Just love this color!  I will post when it is finished so you can see how mine comes out!  I love crocheting so much and even though my arthritis really raises a fuss when I crochet, I shall never give it up-ha!  I always told my Mom she gave me a friend when she taught me to crochet.  I was a very little girl when I learned and I taught my daughters when they were very little.  The one that made the scarf above does beautiful work and  when I first showed her how to make a crocheted chain, she was so enthusiastic, she made one long enough to surround our house I think-ha-ha!  She was about 5 yrs at the timeI love the old days when Mothers automatically handed down their skills in hand work and cooking, etc!!
   They were precious days because not only were children learning the skills but they were spending quality time with their parents...  The same is true for boys of course, who were taught to hunt, to do carpentry, etc.  There is nothing like working with your Dad on a project-girls or boys!  Making memories is what it is all about.  Fond memories are carried to the grave, treasure them.
  And Dad's do not have to be skilled carpenters or anything else to spend quality time with sons and daughters, it can be as simple as making a glider to fly in the yard, or fishing at the favorite river or lake.  Oh how many, many times my hubby baited the hook for the kids while we fished on the Seneca River in Weedsport, NY!
    I hope you are having the most wonderful Sunday!  It is sunny, 78 degrees here and I am surrounded by wonderful fall colors in the yard! 

God is so good....
                          My heart to yours....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerrie, As you know I met you recently through Marydon. I had no idea you had these other 3 blogs but I am now following. I love this pom pom scarf and thread!


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