Saturday, August 14, 2010

Crafting tips and cards

Happy Saturday to you!  I have updated my other blogs and pls. visit when you can.  Links are in the sidebar for Kerrie's Korner, SC and for TWO HAPPY.
Today I want to share the great ideas for making your own cards.  I pick up paint samples whenever I visit Lowe's or Home Depot.  They have such a great variety of colors and textures.  I use them for cutting out flower petals and for labels on my home made greeting cards .  I will show you below.  I always save cards sent to me that have see-through designs and then in turn use them for templates to cut shapes for my cards. I use an old ink pen that has run out of ink to trace with and that way you do not have to worry about Ink or pencil marks on your cut-outs.

If you enjoyed this little tutorial, please leave a comment and I will work on some others for you.
Thanks for visiting!  And check out my other blogs - links are in the sidebar.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. How neat! I love this, I do save my cards and now know what to do with them. Thank you.

  2. What a great idea to share with us, thank you. I just signed on as a Follower so I can keep up with the other pretty things you make. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you Glor and Molly! Happy to meet you Molly and thank you for following. I hope to post how to's more often this fall!


Thank you so much for visiting and please leave a comment, we enjoy them immensely!!