Sunday, June 27, 2010


LOVE MY YO-YO QUILT!  it only took about 8 yrs. to get it all together-ha!  My Mom (who passed in 2000), my sister, my daughter and I all made Yo-yo's through the years of the peach and pretty printed materials.  I was not sure what I would do with them but had seen one in magazine that had been sewn together with no backing  and used as an overlay on their bed spread. 
 I decided to back mine and actually used heavy linen shower curtain material to back it.  This made it so heavy that I did not need batting at all.   Every yo-yo is hand stitched and sewn onto the backing .  Then Yesterday, I spent the whole afternoon machine stitching in rows over all the yo-yo's at their radius.  I still need to do some hand sewing here and there but I am really pleased with the finished Quilt which will be going on my 4-poster bed as a topper. 
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1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Yo-Yo bedspread, Kerrie! That is so much work!

    I neer knew what a Yo-Yo bedspread was till recently when my 88 year old neighbor showed me her multi-colored yo-yo bedspread. Did you happen to see that post, Kerrie?

    All she needs is a backing for it, but I was so impressed!

    You did a great job and I love the colors!


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