Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today I am featuring this little crocheted Scrubby that I received as a gift from fellow crafting blogger, Doris Strum. Doris is an Advocate for maintaining the environment, and especially in saving the Bees.  You can learn more about Doris' causes by clicking on her name above and visiting her site.  She is a marvelous crochet artist and her items like this great little scrubby are for sale in her Etsy Shop.  Doris is a treasured blogging friend and I am happy that our paths crossed in the blogging world!  Tell Doris I sent you on over for a visit!
My hubby has completed a pre-assembled Deer hunting blind for our son-in-law from his own plan.  He has headed out this morning with our daughters, son-in-law and grandson to erect the stand at the hunting club.  Everyone is super excited and they will be taking pictures of the finished project that I will post later today.
This was a labor of love and though my sweet hubby is limited in physical labor due to his Multiple Myeloma, he was on a mission to get this project done.  Hopefully, the stand will be there in the woods for many years to come and be remembered that Papa/Dad made it!
Thanks for visiting and pls visit my other blogs for Memorial Day  and Pink Saturday.
God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you like my "Cardinal" scrubbie - I figured since you enjoy observing your wildlife, you would probably appreciate this one.

    I have to ask: What is a pre-assembled Deer Hunting blind? Is it something that goes over the window? Is your husband into deer hunting?

    Thanks again for featuring me in your post and I hope you and your family will have a very happy Memorial Day today :-)


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