Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I was blog hopping and discovered a great new blog that had a template for paper slippers.  It was free and I was so thrilled.  You may visit and see the lovely shoes the blogger has made and also download the template if you are a crafter.  She even has a video tutorial!  Artful Affirmations is the site.  So I printed out the template and then embellished the slippers with buttons, lace, ribbon and roses.  I used scrap book paper over construction paper to form them.  It was a really fun project and I was very pleased with the result!


  1. They are absolutely lovely- I must try one. What unique decorations. You did a grat job! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  2. Hi Kerrie! ADORABLE!!! You did a beautiful job on this sweet little pair of shoes! My daughter has a pair decorating a small area in her apartment, and I've always thought I'd get around to making a pair, but nope... not yet! "One of these days!".. And oh my gosh... Are those leopard-patterned buttons you used?!! LOVE them! ~tina


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