Thursday, April 22, 2010


It is so beautiful today again here in SC and though it may not sound like fun to some, I have painted the floor and steps on the front porch, ran the cleaner, spot cleaned rugs, mopped the kitchen floor and am waiting on the dryer to stop!  I am so inspired to clean this spring!  The Mallard Mama and her babes are still numbering 7 little ones and the one with the bad leg is still getting around although he is smaller than the others.  Yesterday, the Canadian Goose couple came by for the first time to show us their 4 baby geese!  (pics are still in hubby's camera-ha!) They are so yellow and so much bigger than the little mallards.  I loved seeing them.  The Azaleas are still blooming everywhere along the lake and I have all the windows open to catch the light breeze.  LIFE IS GOOD!

View from my desk a few days ago when I was working on Mother's Day cards and verses.  It was raining but still beautiful outside!

The Beautiful Blue Bird couple in the little house on our shed.  They are such a joy to watch.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blue Ribbon Slippers

I completed one more pair of slippers over the weekend having tutored my granddaughter in making a pair.  Pictures to come for hers.  I just love the way these Victorian Blue Ribboned slipper came out!  The construction is tedious but worth the labor of love.  These would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift with a little something tucked inside, like these pearls, a gift card, $, Pen set, jewelry or whatever.  These are offered for sale in my Etsy Shop.  The link is in the sidebar.  Thank you so much for visiting and come again often.  My other blogs are linked in the sidebar, do visit those! Thanks! ♥ Kerrie

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Victorian Slippers

I love making these elegant paper Victorian Slippers!  They make me happy just to look at them.  What a gracious addition to any room. They are so lovely!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I was blog hopping and discovered a great new blog that had a template for paper slippers.  It was free and I was so thrilled.  You may visit and see the lovely shoes the blogger has made and also download the template if you are a crafter.  She even has a video tutorial!  Artful Affirmations is the site.  So I printed out the template and then embellished the slippers with buttons, lace, ribbon and roses.  I used scrap book paper over construction paper to form them.  It was a really fun project and I was very pleased with the result!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I came across these sketches of our dear Chihuahua today.  We raised Tara from the time she was six weeks old and she was with us for 15 and 1/2 years until she developed a brain tumor and had to be put down.  It was a very sad time for the whole family as she had grown up with our children.  She thought she was a little person and never was babied, she just took her place among the family and held her own ground.  She was never snippy.  She loved everyone.  We took her everywhere and the sketches were done on a fishing trip where she dozed on the bank while we fished.  She was the color of a deer and made you smile just to see her little face.  I have photographs of her, too, but was very happy to find my sketches that captured her real look.

Thank you for visiting and do come again soon!

Great Craft Pattern Site

I have been printing out the most beautiful patterns from .  Mostly, I look for crochet and knit patterns but they have all kinds of crafts.  The site patterns are free.  Just sign in with your e-mail address and you are all set to go.  I usually get a new pattern to view almost every day and have made some of them but mostly I collect for the future.  Please visit and join this site if you are a crocheter, you won't be disappointed!