Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last Minute Gifts

Here are a few last minute gifts we made from wood. The strange looking pieces with the holes are actually book page holders!  You put your thumb through the hole and put this device on the book you are reading in the middle of the pages and it holds your pages out flat for you while reading!!  These are last minute gifts for our 2 grandchildren who are avid readers.  These are great for reading paperbacks if you read them in bed as I do.  Bill cut them out from my drawing and I painted them and put the names on them with acrylic paint.
  The little doe head is a magnet for our grandson whose first hunting experience yielded his first Doe in October this fall. Bill cut the doe out in Intarsia method, glued the pieces back together and I painted the details.  All 3 of these pieces then get several coats of clear varish to finish off. 

If you would like us to make personalized page holders for the readers in your family and friends, just e-mail us or leave your e-mail in comments and we will contact you. Only $6.00 each includes Postage! Paypal, M.O. accepted
Merry Christmas to all you crafters!  Thanks for visiting and please check out my Etsy site and other blogs whose links are in the sidebar.

    Just right click to download and then print the size you desire from your file! I still love paperdolls!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerrie, I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. It's a pleasure to meet both of you. What fun that both of you can enjoy your crafts together. Thanks for sharing the paperdoll. That is one of my passions and I love this one. Wishing you both joys,peace and the miracle you pray for in the coming year. Holiday hugs, Mollye


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