Sunday, November 29, 2009

Folklore Crafts-Afghan

THIS AFGHAN PATTERN fascinated me when my daughter made it and the story behind the pattern.  Legend has it that the pattern was created by slaves who could only count to ten.  So they used multiples of 10 stitches to create this wonderful design.  After the stitches are completed for the size desired, the raised braid effect is created by linking the loops from bottom edge to top much like the method we used to make rope leads for horses many years back.  The effect is quite stunning and I love the bold color my daughter used for this particular one.  I am attempting my own but fear that I did not start out with enough stitches.  When you link the loops one over the other, it shortens the width necessitating twice as many stitches at the start which I did not allow for.  So I will be ripping out and restarting .....or end up with a doll afghan-ha! My daughter learned this from a grandmother she met who is in her 80's and very with it.  She is part American Indian and is most talented in crafts. 
Do you have a craft you can share the history for its creation??  I would love to have you share!!

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